The Main Element In Metatron 4025 Hunter
One of the main elements in Metatron 4025 hunter structure is N and S magnetic inductors.
As we know brain consists of two hemispheres. Left one – logic – in overwhelming majority homo sapiens representatives dominates over right hemisphere. If in some individuals right hemisphere prevails then, as a rule, these people are persons with great intuition. Internal organs control is carried out via medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and right hemisphere. Logic evaluation of internal functions regulation is blocked on a level of interhemispheric interactions and does not reach logic comprehension and interpretation.
We know that N-magnetic pole is the universal destructor for all biological objects and level of spectrum emission of left and right brain hemispheres are different in their frequency characteristics.
Left brain hemisphere is characterized by highamplitude α(alpha)-rhythm - wakeful state, β(beta)- rhythm – during sleep. Right hemisphere is characterized by low-voltage θ(theta)-rhythm. If we influence left hemisphere with N-magnetic inductor with resonance frequency of left hemisphere we will be able to suppress dominance of left hemisphere which normally slows down activity of right hemisphere. At the same time along with suppressing of left hemisphere functions by N-magnetic inductor we can activate right hemisphere by S-magnetic inductor on its own resonance frequency. Moreover using S-magnetic inductor we can activate separate areas of right hemisphere, which are responsible for connection with internal organs (heart, stomach, kidneys, intestine, liver). By the same way we can activate channels of internal organs regulation by structures of medulla oblongata, hypothalamus and spinal marrow.