The Frequency Of Metatron Hunter 4025
In identification of NLS-systems’ operating characteristics high-frequency generators have principal meaning. Major part of the most significant achievements in image quality improvement and in extending of our clinical possibilities is related to innovations in development of non-linear generators.
Working frequency ranges of modern generators are within 1.4 – 4.9 GHz, which allows us to research almost all internal organs, anatomical masses and tissues with up to 30 micron resolution. However non-invasive visualization of ultrafine structure of tissue at separate cell organelles and DNA fragments may be hampered. That is why technology of high-frequency non-linear generators manufacturing have changed greatly.
At the present time, together with International Academy of non-linear systems – Metatron Hunter 4025, super high-frequency non-linear generators with 40 - 100 GHz operating frequency were developed and clinically tested. It allowed to reach 100 angstrom resolution.
These technologies, which are not yet widely applied, are already called “NLS-ultramicroscanning”. Most probably in near future thanks to development of this area, we will be able to look at epithelial and endothelial tissues at sub-cell level more closely and to research and correct clusters of reborn cells.
The main problem of torsion fields’ influence to a cell ultra-structure and DNA helix is to find an extremely precise instrument which, similar to laser, could influence DNA molecule structure with diameter less than 2 nanometers.
Creation of such unique instrument became possible only after super-high-frequency torsion generators were developed. These generators have additional feature of wide-pulse signal modulation to generate field oscillations with parameters peculiar to living cell in order to restore its regulatory mechanisms.