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Meta Hunter – Developed On Theory Of Entropy Logic

Subconsciousness of each human is great: it remembers and knows everything what happened to an organism and what methods shall be applied to heal this organism. We only need to learn how to extract useful information from subconsciousness. 

In modern physics basic theories are quantum theory and theory of relativity. On of consequence of quantum theory is conception about principal interrelationship of all natural phenomena. Theory of relativity shows that mass has no relation to any substance, being one of energy forms which, as dynamic value, related to activity and processes.

Theory of entropy logic – interdisciplinary sphere of scientific research of matter – have significantly widened and extended comprehension of biological systems informational interaction. Theory of entropy logic – one of the most important sections of information theory was developed by T. van Hoven in 1980.

Living organisms – from protozoa to human organism – are not isolated, but open systems, exchanging matter, energy and information with environment. According to definition of L. von Bertalanffy, living organism it is not a conglomerate of separate elements, but specific system characterized by organization and integrity, being changed permanently. Main problems related to living matter are phenomenon of matter self-organization and non-linearity of processes. With regard to proven fact that living organism on a level of material substrate has everything it needs for full regeneration or at least adequate compensation, than aging processes and chronic pathological states and diseases appearance may be related to loss of information necessary for building of correct control signal by an organism. Thus the basis of self-regulation in an organism is information exchange, corresponding construction, transferring and perception on information control signals.

Many researches have proven that main carrier of information both inside bio-object and between separate bio-objects – including between humans, is electromagnetic radiation (EMR). Possibility to create an electromagnetic radiation generator able to "offer" to bio-system specific algorithm of existence is based on the fact that electromagnetic radiation can directly introduce information to brain, omitting common organs of sense.

Attempts of prophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of many diseases, including peritonitis, made us to address to non-linear diagnostics systems, which introduce additional information about amplitude of disease and allow to judge about disease prognosis, reading information from subconsciousness.

The Institute of Practical Psychophysics has created an analogue-free investigation system, which allows tracing any conditions in the body through changes in the wave characteristics of tissues, cells, chromosomes and even ferments and hormones of the body. Non-linear analysis systems (NLS) are the most advanced information technologies available in this century and can be considered the most remarkable and advantageous accomplishment of modern natural science. The diagnosis equipment is based on the spectral analysis of the vortex magnetic field of any biological object. It is quite unique and unparalleled in the world today. The numerous experiments have shown a close correlation between the torsion fields and biological systems, specifying that such fields are used in biological systems as the means of both extracellular and endocellular interplays. Principles of entropy logic theory (the informational interchange between any systems is carried out distantly, associatively and is selectively by quanta of electromagnetic radiation) allows stating that in biological systems at pathological processes some unstable (metastable) states may occur, at which the probability of system destruction sharply increases.

The research system provides a unique opportunity of recording the frequency fluctuations of any preparation and comparing of many thousands already held in the PC database with pathological process’ characteristics and thus finds a remedy that has the closest spectral characteristic of the pathological process and selects the most efficient remedy. After reading the frequency characteristics of the researched biological object, the system compares the degree of their spectral similarity with healthy, and pathologically affected tissue, or infection agents, to obtain the closest pathological process or tendency. Meta Hunter Scanner give an opportunity to significantly decrease time of express-evaluation of an organism as a system in a whole and changes in organs and cells, histological and cytological structures.
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