If you are seriously ill then you need to consult your local health professionals but, in addition, a growing number of people in the world are discovering the benefits of bioresonance therapy. The Bioreosnance Tech has been used in many countries since the late 70’s and recently featured on “The Truth about Cancer” documentary series with Dr Brain. There are thousands of accounts where patients have introduced bioresonance along with conventional medicine and can testify to the effectiveness of the therapy offered by bioresonance. With over 20,000 Bioplasm-NLS devices sold worldwide there are now many holistic practitioners who are providing therapy on a daily basis. Bioresonance devices are not the same and we hope to explain the differences though education on this site.
We are faced on a daily basis with an increasing amount of environmental stressors and pathogens, some of which have become resistant to antibiotics. Parasites are one example – they have been known to cause many of the conditions that people suffer within modern society and our pets also suffer from infestations. Energy medicine machines such as the NLS analyzer have been used for over 25 years to try and eliminate these invaders without the use of drugs.
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