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Bioplasm how to deal with cough

Coughing is a very common thing, and it is also a very mild condition, and many people don't even pay attention to it. However, no matter how common diseases are, there are certain pathogenic factors. Let us understand the causes of coughing. Then we can formulate corresponding preventive measures based on the cause.
1. Cough caused by various nose, throat, and throat diseases
This type of disease is collectively referred to as postnasal drip syndrome in clinical practice. It is a common disease that causes chronic cough. It is now named "upper airway cough syndrome". It is characterized by paroxysmal or persistent cough, mainly daytime cough, less cough after falling asleep, postnasal drip and/or mucus adhesion on the back wall of the pharynx, rhinitis, sinusitis, nasal polyps or chronic pharyngitis After the medical history, the examination revealed that there was mucus attached to the posterior wall of the pharynx and the appearance of cobblestones. Coughing caused by the common cold may also be caused by postnasal drip irritation. The common cold can be considered a postnasal drip syndrome. Since the common cold is the most common disease in humans, postnasal drip syndrome is one of the most common causes of coughing. In recent years, as the climate changes, air pollution has increased, patients have added cold medicines, abused antibiotics, etc., which has caused an increasing incidence of this disease.
Using Bioplasm NLS equipment, you can "supervise" the health of each organ of the human body, and you can get a good understanding of the health of yourself and your family. So as to understand the situation of body changes, and timely prevent and treat them.
2. Gastroesophageal reflux cough
Cough is one of the most common extraesophageal symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux, followed by pharyngeal ball sensation and/or pharyngeal foreign body sensation, throat burning, hoarseness. Most of his coughs are irritating dry coughs, and can also be manifested as coughs with phlegm. The vast majority are coughs during the day, and some are coughs at night, often accompanied by gastrointestinal symptoms such as heartburn, acid reflux, chest pain, and nausea. However, in clinical practice, many patients have no reflux symptoms at all, and cough is the only clinical manifestation. 24H esophageal PH monitoring can be diagnosed. The mechanism is unclear, and it may be related to the stimulation of the cough receptors in the pharynx, larynx, and trachea by reflux. The use of antacids or gastrointestinal motility drugs (such as domperidone) or H2 receptor blockers, proton pump inhibitors can quickly relieve, but it will take 5 months to improve significantly. Syndrome differentiation treatment of traditional Chinese medicine is more effective in relieving the condition.
Using Bioplasm equipment, the stomach can be scanned and analyzed, and through a series of Meta therapy, the resistance and immunity of the stomach can be enhanced, so that the treatment effect of drugs and other medicines can be better.
3. "Asthma" causes coughing
This "wheezing" is not another "wheezing", it has the essence of panting without panting. If you cough for more than 2 months, you should consider the possibility of cough variant asthma. This disease is easy to be misdiagnosed as chronic bronchitis, both of which have cough as the only or main symptom. There is no obvious abnormality in chest X-ray examination, and both have spontaneous remission. The former often has allergic diseases such as urticaria, skin eczema, and allergic rhinitis. Allergen skin tests often show a positive reaction to one or several antigens. The cough is different in nature. The former is abnormally severe and persistent. It is mainly paroxysmal and dry cough, occasionally a small amount of sticky sputum, attacks at night or in the morning, affecting sleep, cold air or exercise-induced aggravation, anti-inflammatory, and phlegm reduction Cough medicine is ineffective. The bronchial provocation test or diastolic test was positive.
Many common and mild illnesses are easily overlooked by us. Using Bioplasm NLS equipment, you can pay attention to your physical health and promptly respond and treat them.
4. Eosinophilic bronchitis causes cough
The clinical manifestations of chronic cough caused by eosinophilic bronchitis are mostly chronic irritating dry cough or a little sticky sputum, which can be coughed during the day or night. Some patients are more sensitive to oily smoke, dust, peculiar smell or cold air. Precipitating factors for cough. Inducing eosinophilia in sputum, normal lung ventilation, no airway hyperresponsiveness, and good effect of glucocorticoid therapy. Before treatment, most patients have a course of more than 3 months, or even more than several years. Some patients are related to inhaled allergens, such as dust mites, pollen, mushroom spores, etc., and also related to occupational exposure to chemical reagents or chemical products, such as rubber gloves, acrylates, etc.
   The above conditions are the most common causes of chronic coughing. In addition to the above conditions, there are several other causes of coughing. Many interstitial lung diseases often have dry cough as the main symptom in the early stage. In this case, lung function test can help early detection; drug-induced cough is common in ACEI and B receptor blockers, and the incidence is about 15% . It occurs 24 hours or several months after taking the medicine, and there are more women than men, which may be related to increasing the sensitivity of cough receptors. After stopping the drug for a few days to 4 weeks, it will be relieved; after these factors are excluded, psychogenic cough can be considered, which is related to negative emotions such as tension, anxiety, and sadness. Its characteristic is that the cough is like a dog bark or geese, irritating dry cough, often accompanied by clear throat sounds. Cough has nothing to do with eating or drinking. Infectious cough can gradually evolve into psychogenic cough.
The factors that cause people to cough are mainly the above points. After people understand the causes, healthy people learn how to prevent themselves from becoming cough patients. Cough patients must choose treatment measures for the cause of the disease and completely kill the condition. inside.
In our daily life, Bioplasm NLS is a device that is very worthy of family ownership, because it can not only pay attention to the physical condition of family members, but also make our family members more resistant and have a more fulfilling life.

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