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Biophilia Intruder NLS Diagnosis of Ocular Tumors

Modern ophthalmoscopy and radiological methods do not always allow to deal with the problem of topographical diagnosis of tumors. In the past few years, there have been some reports on the diagnostic capabilities of CT, MRT for tumors of the eye and orbital cavity. But the large-scale implementation of the above methods of studying the eye and orbital cavity depends largely on their availability.

In the past few years, there has been a steady increase in the tendency of malignant tumor formation in ocular tumors, although it is not significant in the pathological structure of the tumor. It should be noted that the problem of early diagnosis in ocular pathology has its own characteristics in different countries. Especially retinoblastoma is the most widely spread congenital and acquired tumor disease. In the United States, 20-30 cases of retinoblastoma are diagnosed for the first time among 450-500,000 patients registered each year. These cases of retinoblastoma differ in their aggressive growth rate, which, if not diagnosed in time, can lead to metastasis, invalidity and lethality.

Due to the complexity of the topographical anatomical features of the head, the type of tumor and the growth rate, there are certain difficulties in the diagnosis of malignant orbital and extraorbital tumors. In ophthalmological practice, there is a need both to detect tumors and to assess the prevalence of processes in the surrounding tissues, i.e., changes in the blood vessels supplying the tumor. It is well known that many brain diseases, maxillary and ethmoid sinus cells, and endocrine diseases are accompanied by a unilateral or bilateral exophthalmos syndrome. In many cases, this syndrome has given rise to the hypothesis of a tumor pathology of the eye.

In this regard, research has paid close attention to the detection, differentiation, and corrective diagnosis of ocular and extraorbital tumors using modern nonlinear diagnostic techniques (Biophilia Intruder). The use of nonlinear fundus imaging in clinical practice reflects practically all stages of tool engineering development and technological improvements in this area. There are no detailed studies on the diagnostic capabilities of NLS imaging in the case of tumors of the ocular organs.
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