Biophilia Intruder Bioresonance effect
There is not even a single action in the nature that would be taking place without obtaining and subsequent emitting of information. Information is objective, uninterrupted during the given action, and it represents certain ‘hologram’ that gives us the possibility of discovering or finding out great deal of information about given object. Information index or coefficient is biorhythm, or natural cycles of change in living cell ensuring its functionality and vitality created by metabolism in itself.
We can metaphorically call biorhythm pulse of the planet. Nature cannot exist without systematic information about state of surrounding environment. In opposite case nature would not be ready for changes in ecological sphere and would not be able adapt to these changes.
It is the biorhythm that is manifestation of nature’s information energy. Scale of the frequencies changes from low to high.
Diseases are not created out of nothing. State of compensation can take entire years or even tens of years. When first symptoms of disease appear, it means that process has gone too far and mechanisms of self-regulation are not handling their job anymore which means that harmony of all organs and systems has been disrupted.
All living processes are essentially wavelength processes. Certain wavelength characteristics carry information about everything regarding organs, tissues, cells… Healthy cells have also their specific wavelength information while unhealthy ones have different. If all systems are working harmoniously-human is healthy. The higher the compensation possibilities of organs and systems are, the slower the manifestation of processes of aging and the deterioration. Reserves of human organism are vast.
Structure of physical field of human contains in itself atoms and molecules having characteristics of nuclear and atomic fields of torsion, which is the source of torsion fields. Each cell of biological organism generates its own torsion field. When cells connect they create general torsion field which is part of the bio field of the organism. This means that bio field of human contains in itself torsion components which carries in itself information about the whole organism. This further means that energetic field of organism has complex content which includes almost all forms of energy known to physics and contains all information about the structure of biological object.
so if you have the Biophilia Intruder Bioresonance Machine, we can know our body better then we can prevent these disease in advance.