A specific feature of representing virtual data by Metatron Hunter system
NLS images are made ready for visual analysis by means of the 4D Tissue, an original company-developed method, that allows not only to obtain virtual multidimensional images of anatomical structures but also select of particular biological tissue of interest giving an extra dimension, and additionally visualize bones, soft tissues and vessels at a time.
A specific feature of representing virtual data by Metatron Hunter system is its simultaneous visualization of surfaces of cavatus and extramural formations located outside the lumen of the cavity under examination (e.g. lymph nodes, vessels). The acquired images from the natural sequences of virtual NLS shots, while special navigation programs automatically determine the paths of the "virtual scanner" by center of the cavity under examination. The path of the motion can be chosen by operator using some other settings, which allow to detail the NLS picture by changing the view fields. A raised representation of the cavity surface is also achievable by shaping particular artificially shaded areas. The products sentences of NLS shots can be easily converted into the standard VHS video system, in particular for teleradiology.
The Metatron hunter system is primarily designed for case detection of obstructive processes in the upper respiratory passage, bulky esophageal, gastric or colonic formation, atherosclerotic lesions of large vessels, and disorders affecting paranasal sinuses, urinary bladder or spinal canal. The data gather by "virtuall-NLS-scopy" allow to pick out the optimum spot for biopsy and define the extent of the required surgical intervention in good time.
The technique can be used both solely and as a useful linking element between topographic, endoscopy and NLS investigations. The Medintech's latest development is a convenient tool for planning interventional procedures monitored by NLS. The Pincers comprises a controlled stereo tactic manipulator ("mar"), a flat gentry-mounted monitor, a cable system and software. The system provides the physician with the means of simulating and performing interventional procedures through an interactive link between the virtual NLS and the real operational field.
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